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Catching Z's

Lily Dunn

On how many hours he/she sleeps per night:

“I get 4-7 a night, which is bad because people our age are supposed to get more.” - Nora Jerrett

“...7-8 hours, but I could use more.” - Caitlin Gilgun

“I’m not sure, but I’m tired a lot so I guess not enough.” - Matt Starble

“ 5 hours, which isn’t enough.” - Kyle Rosenstein

On why he/she doesn’t get enough sleep:

“ and work make that near impossible.” - Nora Jerrett

“I have school, work, and sports.” - Caitlin Gilgun

“...using the Internet.” - Justin Tu

“There’s a lot to do between school, work, and activities.” - Alyssa Carangelo

On life with more sleep:

“I think life would be 100 times better.” - Emma Walker

“My life would still be a mess, but I’d probably look like less of one.” - Alyssa Carangelo

“My grades, relationships, work ethic, etcetera would improve.” - Nora Jerrett

“I would be less stressed, more at ease, and awake.” - Caitlin Gilgun

“I’d have more energy.” - Justin Tu

“My life would be 100% better because I wouldn’t feel like a zombie every day.” - Sam Williams

On academic performance with more sleep:

“I’d be more concentrated and focused if I was well-rested.” - Julia Haase

“I would be less tired during the day, and probably have a more positive view on things.” - Anna Barbo

“I’d put more effort into schoolwork and homework, and have more energy to study.” - Shaylyn Kelly

“It wouldn’t be better because I use my time to study instead of sleep.” - Alyssa Carangelo

“It wouldn’t change.” - Chris Millett

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