Ten Traits All Incoming Freshman Should Have:
As Incoming Freshman Night, as well as, Move Up day, approaches, I am reminded of how I felt as an incoming freshman; nervous, yet excited, and ready for the challenge. While Incoming Freshman Night and Move Up Day were both helpful to make the first day of school less daunting, I think it would have been helpful to have known the certain traits I should have made sure I acquired over the summer to make sure I would be ready for high school. And thus, I write this list of ten traits all incoming freshman should harbor, not only because it will allow you to achieve the grades you may desire, but because these traits will allow you to become the student you thought you could never be.
Management skills
This is the most important skill a student should possess. I didn’t fully master this until this year, but the sooner one can manage their schedule, both inside and outside of school, the better off that student will be. Some tips are to USE your agenda, download the Google Calendar app, make a to do list on the sticky notes app on your computer, and think generally about what you need to accomplish before you begin a task.
2. Determination
As a freshman, I would often give up on a particular algebra problem if I couldn’t figure
out the answer in more than five minutes. However, now I try to work through the
problem, write down what I know, and keep track of specific questions . This is only one form of determination all incoming freshman should possess. Do not give up on a hard homework assignment, test, sports game, dance combination, or piano song. Always try your hardest because even if you don’t know the answer, you might get partial credit:).
3. Confidence
The first day of school as a freshman will probably one of your most intimidating
Experiences. I know it is hard to have confidence walking through the hallways
as upperclassmen stare down at you. Gaining confidence takes time, but as a freshman you should work towards achieving the right amount of confidence quickly by, for example, wearing clothes you personally like rather than following the crowd, walking with your head up rather than down, among many other things.
4. Ability to Ask for Help:
As a freshman, it is vital that you are willing to ask for help. This means going out of your comfort zone and raising your hand in class. Do not be intimidated by how others may react to your questions; it is more important that you freely ask questions so that you can do well in any class.
5. Accept one’s failures:
When you face any kind of level of failure in school, it is important that you have the strength to accept it and learn from it. Ignoring your failures will only hurt you more; always remember this!
6. Be able to talk to teachers and other faculty members:
Beyond being able to ask questions, it also crucial that you are able to approach a teacher,
coach, or other faculty members. By the end of your freshman year you should be able
to talk comfortably to any adults, whether it is to ask a question or to just talk to them. It is extremely important that you do so so that you can form strong relationships with adults.
7. Try Your Best:
If a particular assignment is really confusing to you or you are panicking during a test,
remember that is important that you give it your best shot. Teachers can see when a student honestly attempts to learn their material and this will be acknowledged, even if you don’t do perfectly on an assignment.
8. Respect:
One of the core values at RMHS is respect. This means that you should respect not only your peers, but also all faculty members at the high school. The Golden Rule is still followed in high school; treat others the way you want to be treated.
9. Leave Time to Have Fun:
While it is important that you manage your academic schedule, it is also important that you manage your personal and social schedule. Leave time to relax whenever you can and know your stress limit; if you don’t need to stay up studying late into the night, then try to stop studying at 9 o’clock so that you can have time to relax. Integrating relaxation into your life will be extremely beneficial to you in the long run.
10. Do not be afraid:
Never be afraid to try new things, to take risks, and to push yourself to places you
never thought you would go. If you follow this, as well as, the other nine traits described
above, freshman year will be far less daunting and your overall high school career will be far more memorable and rewarding.