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RMHS' Scarlet Letters

Olivia Ramos and Olivia D'Amico

A new school year has already forced everyone back into their daily routines of waking up early and getting virtually no sleep. But for some, going to school isn't that bad… considering cutting class is easy.

Given the fact that we have been at this school only one year, everything is relatively new to us. But one thing is for sure, kids cut class and some made it almost a part of their daily routine. The legal system finally caught up to them, and by that, we mean Mr. McSweeney.

Hall passes have evolved into larger red rectangles, attendance is taken every class, and if you're late to class twice- detention is something you need to factor into your day. Many kids view the new rules as unfair and even ridiculous. But, some teachers greatly value these new rules.

It was apparent during Spanish freshman year that kids would up and leave class or go to their locker for excessive time periods nearly every day. Therefore, it was necessary to come to Spanish teacher Mrs. Murphy for her views on the new policies regarding hall passes.

She believes that the new policies involving tardiness are a “tremendous help”. Mrs. Murphy also states repeatedly that finally “having kids be accountable for their actions” urges them to get to class on time, considering the consequences she believes are fitting they may face if late.

Mr. Donato’s candidacy for opinion on hall passes also seemed necessary, as students arriving late to his class was prevalent last year. He believes that there are both “positives and negatives” to the new passes. One key benefit he mentioned was the passes’ indication to teachers and staff whether a student is aimlessly wandering the halls or not. He believes this is helpful considering the problem with students leaving campus without getting dismissed last year.

However, he “finds it annoying to write passes” because while he is writing a pass for a student, the rest of the class is waiting for him to finish. When the new policy regarding two tardies equaling an absence was referenced, Donato was unaware of it. But, once the rule was explained he stated that they should use that rule only if students are late to school. For him personally, if a kid is late to his class he keeps them after school for a minute or two.

As these first couple of weeks have gone by, new tasks have been added to the school day and others have been let go of. Once Mr. McSweeney created these new hall passes and rules regarding tardiness, students have started to pick up their act and stay in class.

Both teacher and student opinion alike vary on the new system of passes and tardiness, but they are definitely making a difference in student conduct.

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