The RMHS Drama Club is proud to present “The Wedding Singer”, as you may have seen from posters hung up on every corner in Reading. This show is directed by Mrs. Natalie Cunha, musically directed by Ms. Kristin Killian and choreographed by Ms. Katie Donovan. You may have heard of this show before, and likely because it is a famous 1998 Adam Sandler movie.
A bit of background without spoiling the show is that Robbie, is a wedding singer who soon enough arrives at his own wedding. Unfortunately, his fiancée, Linda, never shows up. He then meets a girl named Julia, and things move on from there. But, you will understand and enjoy the show a lot more if you went to go see it yourself because there are so many surprises- as Robbie, senior Travis Giragosian will play the guitar all throughout the show. There is plenty of humor, too.
The cast of the show has been really busy staying after school until as late as six o’clock because of rehearsals. Additionally, everyone, cast and crew alike, has been busy on Saturday mornings and Tuesday nights to build the set. Set build is a great bonding experience for the club, where everybody dances to Mark Lucas’ throwback playlist and works together to complete time consuming tasks.
Over the course of these past few weeks the vibrant center stage prop and Tetris-like blocks were built. Although less glamorous, a dumpster, that Robbie somehow ends up in was also created. Even with all of this complete, so much time is still being put into putting the puzzle pieces of the show together.
I asked a couple of my friends to share with me how they’re feeling, now that the show is coming up just next week. One of my friends in Ensemble 1 Owen Lannon said, “I think we still need to put in a little bit more energy into it at rehearsal, but other than that, the show is definitely going to be awesome!” Andrew Sweeney, also in Ensemble 1, agrees, “This show is so exciting, and so much happens in such little time! I can’t wait for opening night.”
Tech crew started coming to rehearsal this week as the final days approach. Makeup crew is making sure all of the characters’ makeup has arrived so they can start practicing for the show. Props is organizing for run throughs, while costume crew has ensured that everybody gets their costumes fitted ASAP. Other positions such as mic crew, deck crew, lights, etc. have been watching the cast run through the show. This allows them to get a feel of how the show flows, and how to time their position perfectly between scene changes.
You can simply Google “The wedding singer musical ticket stage RMHS” and find the link that says RMHS Drama. It will lead you to links for ticket purchases. The dates for the show are Friday November 11th at 7:30PM, Saturday November 12th at 7:30PM, Sunday November 13th at 3:00PM, Friday November 18th at 7:30PM, Saturday November 19th at 7:30PM, Sunday November 20th at 3:00PM. I hope you all can make it, this is definitely not one you want to miss.