Seniors at RMHS are entitled to certain“senior privileges” due to our grade level. These privileges range from leaving school during studies to having guaranteed parking passes. Yet, unfortunately, seniors are taking advantage of these privileges. With new alterations to the weekly school schedule, such as flex block and delayed start, seniors are being tested on responsibility yet again.
While some seniors go home during studies and work on assignments or college applications, others do not use this time wisely. Responsibility is one of the core values at RMHS, yet the seniors who should be role models are lacking. Senior privileges are really a test of how we will act and who we will become next year in college. Although the faculty at RMHS are rewarding us for our hard work, we must take these privileges seriously.
Most seniors have studies in the cafeteria as opposed to classrooms. With over fifty students to one cafe study, the noise grows exponentially; one can only meagerly escape the noise at the back most table. While this environment may resemble college campuses, students should be focusing on their work and be respectful of their peers. Just because we are seniors does not mean we can do whatever we want in school. We need to act responsibly while still having fun because once college hits, punishments for non-collegiate behavior will be more extreme than Saturday morning detention.
This year, RMHS faculty has worked hard to adjust the student body’s schedule. This has resulted in a delayed
start on Tuesday every week and flex blocks every other Thursday. Both of these adjustments have given opportunities for students to demonstrate academic responsibility. Choosing to come in or sleep in are equally responsible options under certain circumstances. Utilizing flex blocks as another study or an opportunity to meet with your guidance counselor about college should be taken in stride. These scheduling alterations offer more chances for seniors to express their responsibility and how they can successfully manage their schedule.
Being a senior comes with a lot of responsibilities. This means we should take these opportunities and privileges that RMHS faculty have given us and practice what it may feel like to be in college. This does not always mean that we should be spending every minute studying, but it is important that we ask ourselves whether what we are doing is truly the best use of our time and whether or not we are being respectful of others.