Editor's Note: Calling all Freshmen! Get the inside scoop on all the exciting clubs and activities here at RMHS. Find out how to get involved from an insider's perspective...
A World of Difference
A World of Difference is a club of peer leaders who fight against bullying, hazing, and issues that affect the school community.
Art Club
Art Club are for the creative artists who want to go beyond that art electives provided at RMHS
Fall: Volleyball (girls), football (boys), soccer, field hockey (girls), cross country, cheering (girls), swimming (girls), golf
Winter: winter track, basketball, hockey, wrestling, swimming (boys)
Spring: spring track, lacrosse, softball (girls), baseball (boys), tennis
Book Club
Color Guard
Color guard performs with the marching band during halftime at our football games and compete at competitions.
Computer Programming Club
Computer programming club is for people interested in the STEM curriculum at RMHS and want to work on personal and team programming projects.
Coolidge-RMHS Mentoring
This is a club for any guys who have a passion for singing and music.
Drama Club
The Drama Club puts on 4 shows a year, one fall musical, 2 winter shows, and a final show in the spring. This club is for anyone who enjoys musical theater or want to learn all the effects that happen behind curtain.
Environmental Club
Environmental Club raises awareness to students of the environment, global warming, and ways to preserve it.
French Club
French Club discusses beautiful language and the interesting culture.
Gay/Straight Alliance
The Gay/Straight Alliance promotes acceptance of all sexulaities and helps students and community.
Gender Equality Club
The Gender Equality clubs aims to establish equal rights and opportunities between all genders.
Girl Rising
Girl Rising is a club that empowers girls to break traditional female gender roles and empower female students here at RMHS.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a club (and organization) that builds homes for the less fortunate.
Haven for Hunger
Haven for Hunger strives to help feed those who may not be able to afford the simple necessity of food.
Improvosaurus is a club for those who love drama and especially improv.
Interact Club
Interact Club is the high school branch of the Boston Rotary Club. They are a fundraising club that raises money for different organizations. The club members help volunteer at different events.
International Club
The international club embraces people of all different ethnicities and celebrates different cultures.
Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble is for those who have relatively advanced instrumental skills and have a passion for jazz music.
Latin Club
Latin Club is for those who take latin as their foreign language. They discuss the dead language, its origins and its past culture.
Leo Club
The Leo Club is another volunteer club that uses student volunteers to help others.
Math Club
Math Club is not actually a club. It is used as extra credit for your math teachers. There are specific dates where you can go after school and solve math problems. This is open to 9th and 10th graders.
Mock Trial
Mock trial simulates the environment of a court. It is for those who have an interest in law and a “tryout” is necessary to join.
Model United Nations (UN)
Model UN discusses foreign policy and international affairs. This is a club for those who want to pursue a career in business or are interested by foreign politics.
National Honors Society
National Honors society is open to junior and senior who have a 3.5 GPA or higher. There are certain requirements needed to be considered as a candidate.
New Currency Literary Magazine
New Currency Literary Magazine is a club for those who love writing and composition. This is a magazine for creative writers and poets.
Newspaper- The Orbit
The Orbit is the school newspaper, and it discusses school events and features student peers and teachers.
Operation Smile
Right Club
Robotics Team
The robotics team is for those who aspire to become engineers or want to have a career in the STEM fields. The robotics teams build robots that go on to compete against other schools.
Samantha’s Harvest
Samantha’s harvest is a fundraising club in which their proceeds go to Down Syndrome research. The club members volunteer at the fundraising events.
Science Team
Science team are for those who show an interest in science.
Spanish Club
The Spanish club is for the students who take spanish as a foreign language here at RMHS and enjoy the language and the different cultures who speak it.
Spanish National Honors Society
Spanish National Honors Society is open to those who have exemplary grades in their spanish class at RMHS. Member of the “club” will be approached if they meet the grade requirement and inducted in the spring.
Stage Band
Yearbook clubs compiles photos and memories of the students at RMHS and makes the yearbook at the end of the year.